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Tackling Disappointment

It's exam results season, first A levels, AS, BTEC and T results, and then this week GCSE's, which is what we were waiting for this year, for two of our fabulous neices.

So many will have got the results they wanted and needed, and that's superb. But many have not, and it may well be their first experience with disappointment on this scale.

Exam results may be a dim and distant memory for you, but we all have and will again, experience disappointment and watch as others we love encounter it.

I was invited onto BBC Radio Oxford to talk about how we can all deal with disappointment.

  • What to do with all the emotions flying about, and how you can support someone else who is feeling them.

  • How generalisations and labels could be harmful. Failing an exam doesn't make me a failure.

  • And what organisations are actually looking for in prospective employees - why exam results aren't the be all and end all.

I'd love you to have a listen:

I'm super passionate about early careers and so on a related note, back in Feb 2022, I wote an article about University versus Apprenticeships - you can read it here.

Who do I work with?

I work with individuals, teams and organisations, helping them become more self-aware so that they can appreciate choice and make decisions to change with confidence.

My one-to-one clients have a corporate career which, often, is not currently satisfying them. They often don’t know why, because it used to, or because it looks great on the surface. I help them figure out what’s getting in their way and where they want to go next.

My organisational clients are seeking support via training, coaching and mentoring with leadership development, confidence in business and wellbeing.

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You can book that directly in my diary here. Mention in the booking if you want to talk about a coaching programme with me, or you just want a stand-alone free 30 minutes coaching session.

I don’t do hassle, I can’t bear it when people try it with me, so be assured I have no chasing policy if you don’t want to continue with me after that.

And for those that like the detail (I’m one of those), have a look at my website, where I aim to provide complete transparency on what to expect – and that includes pricing.

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